Opposition Research for a Post-Truth Era

Opposition Research

Stanford Campaigns


We can handle the truth.

Stanford Campaigns has the top-level experience that comes from having worked hundreds of campaigns in 46 states. Our clients include state and federal Democratic Party committees, major interest groups, labor unions, Fortune 500 companies, and more than 40 Members of Congress.

We believe that democracy is what we do in America instead of shooting each other in armed insurrections. As such, elections are necessarily adversarial and require campaigns to draw strong contrasts based on documented fact. The best contrasts are drawn when they adhere to three factors: credibility, relevance and tone. When campaigns go on the offensive and adhere to those three factors, swing voters are more likely to tune into elections and, studies show, to show up and vote. Simply put, attacks done correctly help democracy.




3232 McKinney Ave

Ste. 500 PMB 4261

Dallas, TX 75204


(469) 830 9228